
Infertility affects approximately 13 per cent of Indian couples. The graph rising in double digit has become a personal and public health issue.

Fertility treatments can encompass a variety of procedures such as IVF or Assisted Reproductive Technology also known as ART. There are multiple options for women and couples to overcome infertility on their parenthood journey. Doctor Yuvrajsingh Jadeja will carefully listen to your journey so far, conduct all the necessary investigations and then discuss with you the best course of action.

Ovulation Induction

Ovulation induction is treatment that assists in improving ovulation patterns, increase the quality of eggs and helps in releasing more eggs. Ovulation induction is one process for women with PCOS, unexplained infertility or irregular mensural cycles.

Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination or IUI is an alternative fertility method that involves placing healthy sperms directly into the uterus. This brings the healthy sperms closer to the eggs and increases the success rate of fertilisation.

In Vitro Fertilisation
(IVF) /
Sperm Injection (ICSI)

IVF is a multi step procedure where eggs and sperms are brought together in the lab. The fertilised eggs are cultivated in the lab for a minimum of five days and then transferred to uterus.

In the beginning IVF may seem overwhelming, Doctor Yuvraj will carefully explain the process, setting the expectations and checklist of required steps. Patients are always encouraged to ask questions, the more they know, the more relaxed the process can be.
dr yuvrajsingh jadeja

Dr Yuvrajsingh Jadeja has been helping couples with fertility concerns for over a decade and welcomes the opportunity to understand about your situation and explore the best possible treatment options, in a private and caring environment.